Matveeva Bella Petrovna (b.1961)
Aviator. Portrait of George Guryanov from the series «Eternally alive»
143,5 х 240 см
Oil on canvas, mixed technique
My strong emotional experience prompted me to create a gallery of picturesque images of my friends: Timur Novikov, Vladik Mamyshev, Sergei Vikharev. The portrait of George Guryanov «Aviator» also belongs to this series «Eternally alive». The images froze in memory: first we are students of the school V. A. Serov, and then - professors of the New Academy. In my archive there is a photograph of 1990 with George in a helmet. She finally formed the image of aviator and, united with the impression of suprematism of Sonia Delone, unknown planets, space and music of the group «Cinema» (Bella Matveeva) appeared on the canvas